Posted on March 19, 2013 1:51 am


Finding Your History is a genealogical research company that is dedicated to helping YOU find the legacy that you inherit from your ancestors.

You are a unique individual. One of a kind.

Your physical characteristics, where you live, what foods you enjoy, even how you think is somewhat determined by the coming together of 32 different families if we only count back to your 3rd great grandparents!

What do you know about those 32 individuals?

They may have been born right around the same time as our nation. Where they here during those momentous days? Your 16 great great grandparents were probably alive during the Civil War. Do you know where they spent those years?

Find out Now!

I’ll help you find those stories and begin to understand The Legacy Your Family Left.

Subscribe to my blog or email me: and let’s begin this journey together!